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Metropolitan is committed to making our website accessible to all, including individuals with disabilities who use assistive technologies to get information.
Many documents on this site are in Adobe Acrobat Document Format (PDF) in order to maintain their original format. You may need to download and install the free Acrobat Reader software to view PDF documents.
Note: Our website links to certain third-party sites that may not be accessible for all users. We are not responsible for the content of linked third-party sites or third-party advertisements, and we do not make any representations regarding their content, accuracy, or accessibility.
Accessible Features
Below is a list of some of the technology solutions we have integrated to make our website easy to navigate and accessible.
Uses Alternative Text “ALT” and or “TITLE” attributes. ALT/TITLE attributes provide a written description of the image, which is accessible to screen readers and is visible when the mouse is placed over the image. This is also useful for people who have images turned off on their browser.
Located at the top of each page (except for the home page) and directly below the main navigation. Breadcrumbs provides a trail of where you are and where you have been. Breadcrumbs make it easier to navigate your back.
Navigate through our web pages without the use of a mouse.
(Note: Some commands may not work with every Internet browser version.)
If you want to... | Select... |
Increase text size | Ctrl + + |
Decrease text size | Ctrl - - |
Move forward from link to link | Tab |
Move backward from link to link | Shift + Tab |
Move from box to box | Tab |
Go to top of page | Ctrl + Home |
Go to bottom of page | Ctrl + End |
Close window | Ctrl + W |
Go back a page | Alt + Left Arrow |
Go forward a page | Alt + Right Arrow |
Go to search box | Alt + S |
If you have difficulty accessing any material on this site, please contact the Web Manager and the Web Team will work with you to make the information available.
Web Manager
700 N. Alameda Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 217-7273